Terms and Conditions

Punctuality and discipline really important keys of fitness…

Terms & Conditions

Our Core Objectives To educate Athletes to choose right Exercise and Balanced Diet.


Fitness is state of good Health and well being. Physical Fitness is ability to perform any Physical movement or daily task without Physical or Mental Stress and without any Fatigue.

We need Tripod to achieve Fitness
Exercise, Proper Nutrition [Balanced Diet] and Sufficient Rest.

To improve our functionality in daily life. To avoid life style related Diseases Eg. Heart Attack, Diabetes, Paralyses, Stroke, Obesity, Osteoporosis, infertility and Sexual disorder. To delay the aging and for to get in shape and glowing skin. Many people want to do the Fitness but they don’t know what to do. We educate the people that what is Fitness. As you know that Fitness is not a single component, it is the sum of five motor abilities and ideal body Composition. Strength, Endurance, Flexibility, Coordination, Speed. We educate Athletes and common people [Non Athlete] how to improve all above mentioned abilities scientifically as per systematic manner. We aware the people that why a common man need fitness.